Anatomia humana rouviere tomo 1 pdf
Anatomia humana rouviere tomo 1 pdf

anatomia humana rouviere tomo 1 pdf

Subsequently, the arcuate eminence was reamed in its most prominent area, extending as far as necessary to locate the superior semicircular canal, establishing the anatomical relationship between both structures. The radiological study was not considered in the smooth eminences because they did not show any relief. In addition, CT radiological tests were randomly performed in 30 of the specimens reviewed: 10 with flat eminence, 10 with prominent eminence and 10 with very prominent eminence. The arcuate eminences were classified in four groups: smooth (without relief), flat (less than 1 mm), prominent (1–2 mm) and very prominent (greater than 2 mm), according to a measurement made by means of a digital caliper taking as reference the lowest and highest points of the Arcuate Eminence.

anatomia humana rouviere tomo 1 pdf anatomia humana rouviere tomo 1 pdf anatomia humana rouviere tomo 1 pdf

The morphological study of the arcuate eminence was carried out on 295 pieces from the ossuary (75 skulls from which the calotte had been previously cut, and 145 isolated temporal bones) belonging to the Department of Human Anatomy and Histology in the School of Medicine (University of Zaragoza). The aim is to study the anatomical morphology of the arcuate eminence and its relationship with the superior semicircular canal by radiological study and subsequent anatomical dissection, after milling, and to assess the correlation between the two structures. There are others in which the arcuate eminence is caused by pneumatization processes of the epitympanic region. However, there are studies in which this eminence does not coincide exactly with the superior osseous semi-circular canal, but adapts to the occipitotemporal sulcus on the inferior surface of the temporal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere. It is used in surgery of the middle cranial fossa as a reference point to locate the internal acoustic canal within the temporal bone. In the more classical treatises on human anatomy, the arcuate eminence is defined as the elevation produced by the prominence of the superior semi-circular canal on the anterior surface of the temporal bone, at the junction of the posterior third with the anterior two thirds, whereby it is related to the middle cranial fossa, and separated from it by the meninges.

Anatomia humana rouviere tomo 1 pdf